The smartest way to find a rental house
Most Rentbird users find a home in 4-8 weeks!
Set up your housing preferences and let the search bots take over the heavy lifting.
Our search bots will start working 24/7 and notify you within seconds when a new match is found.
Respond to matches in just a few clicks, and be one of the first applicants.
Receive housing matches via the Rentbird app or email
Search in different areas, or combine various search preferences
Add a partner or roommate, free of charge. Theyβll also get housing matches (via email) so you can work together as a team
Add a cover letter for one-click applications to housing matches to increase your chance of getting a viewing
Rentbird finds almost all rental properties on the market, not just the ones listed on big sites.
New housing matches appear within seconds via the Rentbird app or email, allowing you to be the first to respond.
Our search bot scans over 1,400 rental websites for new listings every minute while you sit back and relax.